martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

October 31st

Well, it has been a month in Spain. I´m proud to say that I have lived on another content for a month. I´ve learned to make Tortilla Española, Comida Exrameña, Pasta de Sepia (Squid) among many others, Comida Asturiana, bla bla bla. Paella is very good, to all of those who asked. I can´t wait to get back home and share this culture with everyone.

Chorizo, huevo frito, pasta con tomate frito

Paella, baked eggplant, chicken breast with spinach and blue cheese and nuts

"Raquetas" or "ochos" best postre ever

Sopa Maravillosa with dumplings

I can comprehend almost everything in movies now. Its almost as though one day the language switched from “I´m kind of following…” to fluidity. Thank goodness.
Being a foreigner for the first time was hard!!! I´m so glad I got this experience. And I still have two months to go :)

Halloween comments in the next blog

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